Woodworker's Central
Woodworker's Gazette
Gazette Archive 6/16/01

A Book Review by Robert Bradley

Title: Practical Projects from Fine Woods

Kerry Pierce

Published by: Lark Books, Asheville, N.C.
Sterling Publishing Co. Inc.
387 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10016-8810
ISBN 1579902154
Price Softcover: $14.95 (Canada $21.95 )
128 color pages

This publication presents twenty-nine projects in woodworking that range from key racks, to end tables, and a shadow box. Most woodworkers will find at least three to four projects on their current 'to do' list for family members and several others from their list of 'new projects'. To review this publication, I chose three projects that utilize techniques and skills that push me in new directions. If the author can guide me through these projects, then the book is a bargain.

Candlebox Project: the instructions for completing this project were directed toward an experienced woodworker. The preparation of the candlebox sliding lid were excellent with good pictures of "how to" techniques. The reader is then referred to another section of the book for instructions on how to cut through dovetails which was also an excellent presentation of techniques. The reader then has to assemble the box, cut the grooves for the top and bottom panels. Overall, the project development is not fully described but sufficient.

Shaker-Style Pedestal Stand: a more difficult project than the candlebox, the author's description is much more complete. His discussion of alternative approaches to some of the joinery is very interesting. This is not a project for a novice woodworker but could be accomplished with average experience.

Shaker-Style Mirror: the construction of this mirror is straightforward and can be completed entirely with hand tools. The dimensional drawings are very good. However, I didn't fully comprehend the construction of the "blade and shelf" until my third reading of the text and drawings.

In summary, this book presents some very good projects for the woodworker with average or above skills. A few of the projects require more than average skills and a more complete set of woodworking tools. The book is a good addition to the woodworkers library and is printed on a good quality, heavy paper with excellent color illustrations and pictures.

Robert Bradley

Editor's Note: Sterling Publishing has graciously donated several books for review which are passed on to our members free of charge in exchange for thoughtful, honest reviews. Thank You! And you can usually find their titles at a discount from Barnes And Noble

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