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Woodworker's Gazette
Gazette Archive 5/20/99

Main MenuWoodRef Version 1.1
From WoodBin

Reviewed by Barbara G. Gill

As I was writing this review, covering section by section, the phrase "full of information on" kept finding its way into my writing. The length of the manuscript grew and grew. So rather than find eight different ways to express the same thought, I decided to cut to the chase and shorten this review considerably.

If you want to invest a little bit of money in a user friendly reference program that is chocked full of information then this is the one for you. I am very much a reference book person. I believe in having and using them. This program is as useful as a good book. In fact it would take several good books to look up the variety of information contained in this one program. Some of the contents include information on general design and planning, specific furniture design guidelines, lists of standard dimensions (including some for children), wood properties, lumber, sheet stock, fasteners, finishing plus some very good tips. The word/phrase search makes the program even more useful.

The ex-teacher in me would like to have seen more footnoting of reference sources and even a bibliography however this deficiency in no way detracts from the usefulness of the program.

Barbara Gill

WoodRef is available at Woodbin for $15.95 and comes on one 3.5" Diskette for Windows only.

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