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Woodworker's Gazette
Gazette Archive 12/11/99

A book review: By Barbara Gill

Title: Furniture-Making Techniques

David Charlesworth

Publisher: Guild of Master craftsman Publication Ltd.

Published by: Sterling Publishing Co. Inc.
387 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10016-8810
ISBN 1 86108 125 1
Price Softcover: $17.95 US ($25.95 Can)
128 color pages

This book is a compilation of articles Mr. Charlesworth has written for the Furniture and Cabinetmaking magazine. The chapters provide an array of information beginning with the woodworking shop and workbench. From there he goes into marking knives, chisels, and marking gauges including selection, types, tuning and using. The next chapters give some of the best information on using and tuning hand planes that I have even read. Mr. Charlesworth ends his book with a number of chapters dealing with mortise and tenon joints, dovetails, doweling, and how to make a Japanese Inro box and spokeshaves. He addresses hand techniques as well as using power equipment to accomplish the goal.

There are 119 numbered pages in this book. All are packed with a wealth of information; there is no wasted space. The pictures and diagrams are clear, informative and beautiful. Any woodworker from novice to advanced would profit from owning this book. The price of $17.95 US is a real bargain. This book will remain beside my chair for quite a while for frequent reference.

Editor's Note: Sterling Publishing has graciously donated several books for review which are passed on to our members free of charge in exchange for thoughtful, honest reviews. Thank You!

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